Dungeon Siege

Dungeon Siege opening time Dungeon level
Temple of the Exile

Friday 21:00:00.000 - siege duration 1 hour

Temple of Lost Souls Saturday 20:00:00.000 170
Temple of the Ancients Sunday 20:00:00.000 160
The Sanctuary Saturday 21:00:00.000 145
The Shrine of Palmir Plateau 1 Friday 23:00:00.000 110
The Shrine of Palmir Plateau 2 Sunday 16:00:00.000 110
First Crystal Valley Sunday 15:00:00.000 90
Second Crystal Valley Friday 20:00:00.000 90
Second Lost Mines Sunday 18:00:00.000 70
First Lost Mines Saturday 18:00:00.000 70
Relics of Arid Moonlight 1 Saturday 21:00:00.000 50
Relics of Arid Moonlight 2 Sunday 20:00:00.000 50
24.04.2021 пустяк