
The event start every Sunday at random from 6 pm – 10 pm (UTC +3) - you can find out the start time from NPC Manager events.

At a certain time, a passage open for enter in the butcher's refectory

Half an hour after that, the entrance closes and the Butcher respawn(it appears for a certain time, then disappears)

Your task - you must die last from the monster(if you survive the end of the event, you lose)

As a result of the event, the winners will be announced in the global chat.

  • 1 place – 1500 Arena points
  • 2 place – 1000 Arena points
  • 3 place – 700 Arena points
  • 4 place – 500 Arena points
  • 5 place – 300 Arena points

The award is given in Item Box in the form of boxes of Arena Points.

11.12.2019 ивент | новость