Unscheduled Update: 9.6 Part 1: Citadel, Death Gladiator and Max Level for characters Increase
The update will be in two parts.
- Part 1: Citadel, Death Gladiator and Max Level for characters increase 210 to 213
- Part 2: Hidden ROA and 6 new pets from Epic 9.6.2 (or Epic 9.7 updates as many call it)
Important: All new pets will be rebalanced before getting them in the game. We know how overpowered they are. If necessary, within 3 months after the introduction of the second part of the update, they can also be changed as needed.
Talk to the Magician Luciad in any city.
- From Monday to Friday inclusive, bets are accepted from the guild
- The Guild Master or the first officer can place a bet on one of the time slots (5 pm, 6 pm, 7 pm, 8 pm, 9 pm) Moscow time (UTC +3)
- The initial rate is 100,000 guild points; to outbid someone else's rate, you need to spend 20% more than the previous rate, rounded up
- Guilds can outbid their own rate
- The guild can choose only one time for siege the Citadel
- When the bet is outbid, the guild that was outbid gets its points back. On Saturday at 0:00 (+-5 min)(UTC +3) the bets are fixed and they can no longer be outbid
- In the location of the Citadel, it is impossible to use summoning feathers
- No limit on the number of members from the guild
The guild must come to the Citadel at a certain time, the guild will have exactly 59 minutes to attempt to capture the Citadel. The countdown starts from XX:00. If they do not cope in time, all participants will be thrown out of the citadel to the entrance

- To get to area 1, you just need to enter gate 1
- To get to area 2, you need to kill all the monsters in area 1 and enter gate 2
- To get to area 3, you need to kill all the monsters in area 2 and enter gate 3
- To get to area 4, you need to kill all the monsters in area 3 and enter gate 4
- To get to area 5, you need to kill all the monsters in area 4 and enter gate 5
Area 5 contains the boss, the Devil Reviac, which will drop a "[Epic] Soul Taming Card" and Death Gladiator Summoning scrolls .

All monsters drop "Luciad Medal"
- you can exchange them with Magician Luciad outside the siege zone for various rewards:
- Gold Rondo Medal (STR / VIT / INT / DEX / AGI / WIS +30) - 30 Lucian Medals - when buying for 1 day.
- Silver Rondo Medal (STR / VIT / INT / DEX / AGI / WIS +20) - 20 Lucian Medals - when buying for 1 day.
- Bronze Rondo Medal (STR / VIT / INT / DEX / AGI / WIS +10) - 10 Lucian Medals - when buying for 1 day.
- Cloak of the Rondo Commander (+10% P Atk / M Atk / Max HP / Max MP) (50 Lucian Medals) - when buying for 1 day.
- Guild aura boost up to + 20% (you can will get guild buff like guild master) - 100 Lucian Medals
- Summoning scroll: Death Gladiator
After the end of the event, on Sunday (00:01), the results are counted. The rating will be displayed on the game website. (last 8 weeks rating)
The first 3 guilds will receive a reward
- position — Gold Rondo Medal (5 days) This item must be picked up from the cash shop storage within 24
- position — Silver Rondo Medal (5 days) This item must be picked up from the cash shop storage within 24
- position — Bronze Rondo Medal (5 days) This item must be picked up from the cash shop storage within 24
The reward will be issued in the store storage only to those who took part in the siege.
Guild leaders will be issued with "Cloak of the Rondo Commander (5 days)" This item must be picked up from the cash shop storage within 24 hours.
The same raincoat will be issued to all the owner of the item "Guild aura boost up to + 20%"
Added monthly leaderboard for Rondo citadel
- 1st place - 30 random summoning scrolls for new pets
- 2th place - 20 random summoning scrolls for new pets
- 3th place - 10 random summoning scrolls for new pets
The reward is given to the guild master.
Death Gladiator
- Taming chance for Death Gladiator- 0.5 %
- To summon and taming the Death Gladiator, you need Death Gladiator Summoning scrolls.
Drop chance for random Summon Scroll for one of the new pets:
- Devil Reviac (Devildom 6 stage) - 1 %
- Devil Reviac (Citadel) - 4 scrolls drop chance - 100 %
For taming the Death Gladiator, you will need [Epic] Soul taming card
Drop chance [Epic] Soul taming card:
- Devil Reviac (Devildom 6 stage and citadel) - 0.01 %
- Death Gladiator from Summoning Scrolls - 1 %
Until the second part of the update, you will not be able to tame the Death Gladiator yet, as we must first balance it.
Level cap increase from 210 to 213
from 211 to 213 levels, you can learn additional skills. Skills that will appear in the second part of the update are marked in red.