Season 4 - statistics

The season lasted 3 months. Here are the key statistics:

Overall Statistics

Indicator Value
Master-class profession characters 3260
Guilds 68
Quests 61489
Titles 78405
Pets 22866
Added to friends 4083
Added to ignore 368
Awakened items 13915
Identified items 282257
Total items 4856517
Max-level basic battle passes 129
Max-level premium battle passes 80

Popular Professions

The most popular professions among players:

Profession (EN) Character Count Percentage of Total Characters
Legionary 364 11.17%
Beast Master 315 9.66%
Mercenary 275 8.43%
Deadeye 224 6.87%
Slayer 200 6.13%
Void Mage 192 5.89%
Overlord 185 5.68%
Master Breeder 180 5.52%
Templar 168 5.15%
Oracle 167 5.12%
Elementalist 161 4.94%
Sniper 129 3.96%
Corruptor 128 3.93%
Berserker 124 3.80%
Inquisitor 115 3.53%
Demolisher 87 2.67%
War Kahuna 76 2.33%
Marksman 65 2.00%
Magus 57 1.75%
Cardinal 48 1.47%

Popular Items

Item Name (EN) Count
Essence of Power 119239259
White Dragon's Soul Bead 76190756
Skill Card Box: Master 56261771
Black Crystal Box 30358085
Extreme Power 19239555
[Basic] Soul Taming Card 18166543
Fortune Cube Chip - Defense 15324863
Ancient Cube - Skill 14447405
Concentrated Power 13650506
Black Dragon's Soul Bead 12581151
Fortune Cube Chip - Strike 11121957
Cube Chip - Strike 10124243
Cube Chip - Defense 10080711
Spirit's Bead Box 8920259
Lucky Cube Chip - Strike 8317732
Lucky Cube Chip - Defense 8243344
[Rare] Soul Taming Card 7740609
Cube-Skill 7287897
Moral powder 6222187
Philosopher's Scroll 5768775
Skeleton Card 5606696
Yeti Card 5594296
Red Pixie Card 5566614
White Unicorn Card 5553254
Frost Dragon Card 5462310
02.12.2024 новость